Welcome to 'C21': The Restaurant That Changed a Law. Outdated laws force people with Down syndrome to choose between Medicaid and pursuing a normal career, hindering professional development and making living independently nearly impossible. We ideated this experience so that congressmen and senators could see how capable people with Down syndrome can be. They can do anything, even open a restaurant.
C21: The Restaurant That Changed a Law
We launched Washington D.C.'s most unexpected restaurant, the first one entirely run by people with Down syndrome. It opened the night before Congress resumed session. Senators and lawmakers were invited to the special event without any idea of what was about to happen. Once inside, they experienced firsthand how capable people with Down syndrome are, as they produced the perfect dining experience and a flawless evening. This wasn't just a meal; it was a powerful testament to inclusion and the breaking of societal barriers.
Every detail of the night - the wine, the music, the menu, the bill, the table settings, the decoration - was considered and designed with the objective in mind. "C21 Restaurant" was named after the 21st chromosome that defines the group’s condition, but not their limitations. The staff, entirely comprised of people with Down syndrome, created the perfect dining experience. The final call to action came in the form of the bill with the message “The bill is on us, changing the law is on you.”
We reached an impossible audience—members of Congress—and brought the Down Syndrome community struggles to their attention. As a result, the new law, known as the 'ABLE Act,' was passed, finally allowing people with Down syndrome to work and save more, bringing much-needed independence to their lives.